In the
time of ancient Greece, Myths and Mythology played an important role in
everyday life. However, in today’s society, myths and mythology do not play
such an influential role now that books and technology are popular. It is not
surprising that mythology and myths were very important in Greece. They served
the purpose of teaching lessons, religion, and for entertainment, like Hercules.
As time went on, the importance and everyday use of myths and mythology from
ancient Greece has decreased due to books and technology of modern society.
roles of myths in ancient Greece play similar roles as books do in modern
society. Both were used or told almost every day, and both teach mankind
similar concepts. However, myths are not told as often in present time as they
were in Greece. Mythology has been affected the same way. However, over the
centuries, myths and mythology lost importance to society because of the mass
production of books. Many of these books that were printed had the myths
written inside them, so the tradition of passing these myths on orally was not
as important.’
In today’s
society, myths and mythology are not used by everyone or every day, but there
are many who find mythology fun, exciting, and interesting, like Ms. Sweezey.
In ancient Greece, myths were told to everyone, every day. They taught religion
and of the Gods and Goddesses of Mt. Olympus to show their importance in life.
Myths were also practiced to teach important lessons on life, death, family,
and many more. An example is the myth of Hercules and the life lesson is that
if one is consistent and steadfast, even facing against the odds, you can
succed. The most important thing about Myths and why they were so important was
that they tried to explain the unknown, like how things worked, how the earth
was created, why are we here, and many more. Today, books are used in the same
sense too. So overtime, myths did not disappear, but transformed or changed
into books so reality, myths are used in every day society as well.
Make sure to re-read and watch your diction.